Leonardo da Vinci’s works



Size 6,5 x 10,5 cm – 44 cards

Cardboard box

Texts : Gabrielle du Montcel  – Drawings : Bernard Deubelbeiss


Playing cards Happy Families Leonardo da Vinci. Every day, he writes down in his Notebooks what he learns from random encounters and the results of his experiments. He hoped one day to organize these notes to make an encyclopedia of all the sciences, but time ran out and his work remains for us a sketch crossed by flashes of genius.

Each family addresses one of Leonardo’s centers of interest: air, water, fire, earth, architect, engineer, thinker; developed into 6 elements: a painting, a drawing, a machine, an event, an encounter, a piece of writing.


Birds as models                                   Each card tells a story!
Le ball of the Planets
Experimenting new technics
The bronze rider
How to express feelings
Encounters with Francis I
Romorantin and Chambord